

We have devised a win-win sust-ethical advisory model, in which our certified associates, and members of our network advisor, are at your disposal to accompany you on your journey towards the launch, formalization and/or consolidation of your impact projects.

We provide express and continuous services of technical consultancy for the implementation/start-up of sustainable projects with a high social impact:
Entrust your ideas to a professional and valued team that will be always available.


We strengthen skills and provide new tools for professional and personal growth through direct training programs and in partnership with academic institutions in presence or digitally.
IForm also has the complementary objective of training with the opening of new projects or job opportunities through the initiatives promoted by the partners.

A) Professionals:
– Business & Marketing
– Brand identity design
– From the idea to the business
– Sustainable management
– Innovation management
– Social Media Strategy
– Fundamentals of Coding
– Project management

In order to complete the course, those who have participated with a satisfactory result enter a Certification program to become a Plase advisor in the respective area.

b) Technical
– Professional Riders
– Crafts (bijoux, fabrics, home decor)
Mode: E-learning – metaverse & gaming experience

C) Social Impact programs:
We have internally developed specific support training programs aimed at the reintegration into the world of work of women victims of violence, unprotected self-employed workers, and immigrants.
–She restarts
–My job
– “New skills More inclusion”
– Italian for everyone
We invite you to stay updated to find out about the new dates and methods of our programs.

For special requests, write us an email at [email protected]


We create and promote directly and in partnership social, cultural, and commercial promotion events, multi-sector trade fairs, workshops, seminars, congresses, and cultural-artistic contests, which contribute to raising awareness of society in the specific areas of intervention, creating new opportunities among the actors of change.

A – Ideas to contrast the pink, green & job washing 
How to create real value with sustainability? -May 2023

B – Stop secession with female role model’s business
Workshop with female networks – Rome and Milan

C – Plase Fest “Promoting sustainability and equality” October 2023
An event dedicated to sustainability, to initiatives that contribute positively to the social and economic impact of our community.

D – Plase Award: December 2023
Recognition of companies that have a positive impact on the city

For more information about our events, you can email us here: [email protected]


Through our Hub we develop projects that promote the territorial, productive and commercial development of emerging, disadvantaged, and struggling communities, through the transfer of technologies, innovation, technical cooperation, and promotion of productive family units.

We create the conditions for aid to be transformed into a path of development and autonomy for local communities through technical and financial cooperation projects:

A – Requalification of the municipal spaces:
A new place for Rider:

The project goes through the recovery and redevelopment of unused municipal spaces, in order to contribute to the revaluation of the figure of the delivery platform’s rider and his training promoting the involvement of public bodies for charitable use:

– For the rider’s category, as a refreshment point, aggregation but also as a support and training space
– As an incubator of technological programs aimed at upgrading the entire sector, extendable to 90,000 riders in Italy and 500,000 in the main European countries (patented training project)
– For initiatives addressed to other specific professional categories, for social purposes

– Metaverse for training

  1. Metaverse hubs for the training and transfer of technologies and know-how in the different areas of intervention.
  2. Promoting inclusive, innovative, and smart neighborhoods and municipalities –

Opportunities for citizens

B. Yes, superfoods!:
Program of interaction initiatives with the Andean countries in order to optimize their production capacity in superfoods, promoting innovation in processes and the opportunities offered by the international market.

-The goal is to promote cooperation in order to increase the technical and financial competence for the strengthening of production chains in superfoods of indigenous communities.

Operation is possible through technological innovation in their processes, for the standardization of production quality, the ability to supply larger requests, export training, and access to international markets through business rounds, and b2b, and b2c fairs.

– The project integrates with the promotion and awareness of the consumption of superfoods, with the aim of improving eating habits and the inclusion of products of recognized quality in the Mediterranean diet.

C. Everyone’s city:
Immigration Plan which provides training in labor law, in the Italian language, in potential job opportunities and new skills to integrate new citizens aware of local and global, just and sustainable dynamics and sensitized to global citizenship.

D. Food identity for growth:
– Promotion of ethnic and ancestral gastronomic culture through the empowerment of immigrant women, highlighting the specific culinary skills acquired in the countries of origin, to create new representative figures in the gastronomic world, reduce the gender gap in the sector, promoting training and ‘opening of new self-management projects and administration or virtual kitchens.

Partnership with Ninakilla project, training new leaders in the gastronomic world.

Through this program, we support artisan women and men from disadvantaged countries or communities, perfecting their techniques or know-how, the fight against waste, online/offline sales strategies, and product orientation towards international markets.

Thanks to donations and funding for our projects, we support them by also guaranteeing them the materials for weaving and tailoring courses for a specific time.
In this sense, we also organize various trade fair events, exhibitions, and showrooms for the promotion of their products, and through our marketplace, we provide a virtual showcase 365 days a year.

Project to raise awareness of the new generations to:
Through the program, we plan to involve groups of students from schools or universities in our projects both in Italy and in other countries. Promoting research and development, participating in surveys, special events, and advocacy campaigns; making them protagonists of change and social integration.

To get more information about our projects, write us an email here: [email protected]

Partners and Plase certification

In the Partners’ program: Through actions involving employees, company customers, or citizens; we organize awareness-raising activities, campaigns and special events, in order to testify to the concreteness of our activities in the field, raise funds for a specific humanitarian project or promote awareness of the company’s values.
We also support companies in the path of sustainability and inclusion, measuring and optimizing their internal processes from management to go to market, in order to eliminate waste, unequal opportunities, worker burnout and turnover and help them become a company of success that puts people and the planet first.
We also prepare sustainability reports and prepare them for current quality or gender certifications. 


We recognize the initiatives, activities, and companies that contribute to a more inclusive, sustainable, ethical, and supportive society, and through an in-depth analysis of the processes, the 360° impact, and the working environment/criteria of social and environmental responsibility,

  • Do you offer a sustainable service or product and does your way of doing business reflect our values?

Promote your business and apply for the next “Plase Award”, which will take place in December 2023.

For further information, you can write us an email here: [email protected]

RUNA: Social and cultural campaigns

We organize social campaigns, medical visits, charity, Sos donations – anti-waste campaigns – recycling campaigns – awareness campaigns for better consumption habits.

With Plase we organize ourselves to help improve the quality of life of human beings, supporting groups in difficulty affected by poverty, natural disasters, political crises, emergencies and encouraging and raising awareness of better consumption habits.

For more information, you can send us an email here: [email protected]


Given the difficulties that women have always had to overcome and the various types of gaps in the various fields, we wanted to dedicate a specific program to the revaluation of the female role and contribute to a more equitable and just society:

a. We analyze male-dominated sectors with research projects and analysis of the gender gap in the workplace and gender pay gap, to promote through training, projects and events, in order to raise awareness and fight against gender inequality with effective actions.
b. We promote networking and discussion events on specific issues for women, for female empowerment.
c. We collaborate with support organizations for women victims of violence, for the recovery of autonomy by providing information and training on the laws and regulations that protect their rights, offering emotional and psychological support and taking care of their reintegration into work or the development of their skills entrepreneurial.
By women for women ♥

 For collab or info write to [email protected]  

Tech “a Zideral Plase”

It consists of the technological hub for the design and development of innovative digital tools and actions for specific objectives.

– Promotions of the “Metaverse points”, for training and transfer of technologies

– “Take a Ride” project:
Social and professional evolution of riders: We provide an integration tool, and the skills necessary to cultivate relationships and carry out their profession with seriousness and awareness through the development of oblique strategies and certification of road rules and regulations.

The first effective program provides for the training and certification of almost 90,000 riders in Italy and aims at regulating delivery riders in Europe.

Info here: [email protected]


We fight against poverty and social exclusion by collaborating with training and inclusion projects for groups in difficulty:
We support groups of artisans, and small traders and promote productive family units, etc.; contributing technically and commercially to a standard of quality and providing them with an international virtual showcase.
Here you will find the most beautiful products, which are good for the planet and for people.

 The entire supply chain of products that you will find in our Shop has:

♥ Care for the well-being of people and the environment, with an orientation towards the circular economy and respect for the rights for a just economy and fair trade.

For info write to us here: [email protected]

Enter our shop and contribute with your order to a better society!